AI ChatBot for WooCommerce – ChatGPT, Retargeting, Exit Intent (WoowBot)

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Boost your online store’s sales and customer engagement with the AI ChatBot for WooCommerce – ChatGPT, Retargeting, Exit Intent (WoowBot). 🤖🛒 This advanced, Plug-and-Play WooCommerce Shopping ChatBot integrates effortlessly with your WordPress site, using cutting-edge AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) via Google Dialogflow to offer a smooth and conversational shopping experience.

WoowBot is designed to enhance customer interaction, streamline the shopping process, and help recover lost sales with its powerful features. 🌐💬

🔑 Key Features:

  • Conversational AI: Powered by Google’s Natural Language Processing, WoowBot understands and responds to customer inquiries with natural, intuitive conversations. 💬🤖
  • Product Integration: Shoppers can search for and add products to their cart directly through the chat interface, simplifying their shopping journey and potentially increasing sales. 🛍️📈
  • Multilingual Support: Configurable to operate in any language, making it an ideal solution for global eCommerce stores looking to reach a diverse audience. 🌍🌐
  • Facebook Messenger Integration: Provides an additional support channel via Facebook Messenger, enabling real-time customer assistance alongside the chatbot. 📲🔵
  • Call Me Back & Feedback Modules: Features for customers to request callbacks and provide feedback, enhancing overall customer service and engagement. 📞📝
  • Scheduling: Allows you to set the chatbot’s operating hours, ensuring support is available even outside regular office hours. ⏰🌙
  • Retargeting & Exit Intent: Engages users showing exit intent to reduce cart abandonment and potentially recover lost sales through strategic retargeting. 🚪🔄

🔍 Benefits:

  • Increased Sales: Facilitates direct product searches and cart additions via chat, driving higher conversion rates and boosting sales. 🛒📈
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Offers immediate responses and support, making the shopping experience more convenient and enjoyable. 🌟👍
  • Global Reach: Multilingual support ensures the chatbot caters to a diverse customer base, enhancing accessibility for international shoppers. 🌍🔄
  • Efficient Support: Reduces the workload on customer service teams by automating common queries and tasks, allowing staff to focus on more complex issues. 🛠️🔧
  • 24/7 Availability: Keeps your store engaged with customers around the clock, even beyond regular office hours, ensuring continuous support. 🌟🕒

Additional information



Product Details

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $6.99.

Product Information

  • Price

    Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $6.99.

  • Released

    August 13, 2024

  • Last Updated

    September 12, 2024

  • File Included

    JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, PHP

  • Compatible With

    WooCommerce 8.x.x, WooCommerce 7.x.x, WooCommerce 6.x.x, WooCommerce 5.x.x

AI ChatBot for WooCommerce - ChatGPT

Your'e ViewingAI ChatBot for WooCommerce – ChatGPT, Retargeting, Exit Intent (WoowBot)

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $6.99.